Screen Rant - Marvel Cinematic Universe The Marvel Cinematic Universe is a multimedia superhero franchise that began in 2008 with Paramount's Iron Man starring Robert Downey Jr. The franchise quickly grew in popularity, with Disney eventually buying out Marvel Entertainment in 2009. The MCU consists of dozens of movies and TV shows, most notably Avengers: Endgame, WandaVision, and Loki. Wed, 03 Jan 2024 22:40:05 GMT en-US hourly 60 <![CDATA[Marvel Just Made Captain America's Endgame Ending An Even Bigger Plot Hole]]> Warning! This post contains SPOILERS for Marvel's What If...? Season 2

Wed, 03 Jan 2024 22:40:05 GMT
<![CDATA[6 MCU Projects Sylvie Can Appear In After Loki Season 2]]> Though Loki season 2 has seemingly wrapped up Sylvie’s storyline for now, there are still plenty of future MCU projects that she could continue her journey in. Sylvie made her MCU debut in season 1 of the series and rose to popularity as a variant of the beloved Loki. She has gone through plenty of growth in just two seasons, and the Loki season 2 finale ends with Sylvie accepting Loki’s sacrifice and starting her future in the free multiverse.

Wed, 03 Jan 2024 20:40:14 GMT
<![CDATA[Cancelled MCU TV Show Would Have Introduced Powerful Marvel Team 6 Years Before Their Official Debut]]> John Ridley's Marvel Cinematic Universe TV show that he was working on for ABC in 2015 comes to light as he reveals what characters he was developing a show around. Prior to the MCU TV shows on Disney+, ABC was one of the primary destinations for Marvel series, including Agents of SHIELD and Agent Carter. For several years, there was a mysterious MCU TV show being developed by Ridley that was said to be a reinvention of a certain Marvel property. However, it never went forward.

Wed, 03 Jan 2024 20:27:58 GMT
<![CDATA[MCU Kingpin Actor Reveals The Only 2 Marvel Characters He Believes Could Kill The Villain]]> Kingpin actor Vincent D'Onofrio thinks that two Marvel Cinematic Universe could get the closest to taking Wilson Fisk out. D'Onofrio will soon return as Fisk as part of the cast of Echo — which also includes Charlie Cox as Daredevil — on Disney+. Based on recent rumors, D'Onofrio's Kingpin is said to become a major force in the street-level MCU, appearing in future Marvel movies and series, and that could lead to the character dying at the hands of an MCU hero.

Wed, 03 Jan 2024 19:18:43 GMT
<![CDATA[Predicting The Box Office Performance Of Every 2024 Marvel & DC Movie]]> Multiple Marvel and DC movies will be released in 2024, and their box office performance can be predicted based on some factors. Superhero movies have struggled in the past few years, with some claiming that superhero fatigue has finally seeped in, making audiences turn on the genre. While the box office failures of multiple Marvel and DC movies, such as The Marvels and The Flash, seem to point to that theory being true, movies like Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 3 and Doctor Strange in the Multiverse of Madness have shown that some of Marvel's best movies, as well as the best DC films, might still be on the horizon.

Wed, 03 Jan 2024 19:00:13 GMT
<![CDATA[Marvel Finally Debunks A Guardians Of The Galaxy Villain Theory 7 Years After It Popped Up]]> Warning! This article contains minor spoilers for What If...? season 2, episode 2, "What If Peter Quill Attacked Earth's Mightiest Heroes?"

Wed, 03 Jan 2024 18:20:12 GMT
<![CDATA[The MCU's Latest Actor Exit Gets Roasted By Marvel Fans: "A Secret Invasion-Worthy Disaster"]]> The surprise exit of Steven Yeun from Thunderbolts has spurred some fans to roast the MCU project more than a year before the movie's 2025 release. The MCU experienced a tough year in 2023, with Secret Invasion being among the biggest disappointments in the franchise after garnering poor reviews and viewership data. To tar an upcoming MCU project with the same brush, therefore, is a harsh criticism before the franchise has had a chance to even confirm story details about Thunderbolts.

Wed, 03 Jan 2024 18:11:37 GMT
<![CDATA[Recasting MCU Sentry: 10 Actors Who Could Replace Steven Yeun In Marvel's Thunderbolts]]> Steven Yeun will no longer be playing the Sentry in Marvel Studios' upcoming Thunderbolts project, but there are several brilliant actors who could take his place in the MCU. Marvel Studios chief Kevin Feige announced the development of Thunderbolts in July 2022, with the crossover films marking the returns of David Harbour, Florence Pugh, Sebastian Stan, Hannah John-Kamen, Olga Kurylenko, Wyatt Russell and Julia Louis-Dreyfus as a new team of superhuman antiheroes and reformed villains. The MCU's Thunderbolts is set to release on July 25, 2025, but the project has recently undergone some cast changes, as Steven Yeun has dropped out from his highly-anticipated MCU role.

Wed, 03 Jan 2024 18:00:14 GMT
<![CDATA[Echo EP Teases Which Comic Hero Could Get Marvel Spotlight Show Next: "What Am I Allowed To Say?"]]> Richie Palmer, who serves as executive producer on the new Marvel series Echo, teased in a recent interview what Marvel fans could potentially see down the line. Serving as a spin-off from the show Hawkeye, Echo will explore the life of the titular protagonist - real name Maya Lopez - after she moves back to Oklahoma following the events of the Renner-led series. It's the first in the new Marvel Spotlight project, which seeks to produce media that requires less prerequisite knowledge of the MCU for viewers than typical entries from Disney.

Wed, 03 Jan 2024 17:00:19 GMT
<![CDATA[Echo Interview: Brad Winderbaum On Wilson Fisk's Importance & The Marvel Spotlight Banner]]> Echo picks up after the events of Hawkeye. Following her betrayal of Wilson Fisk, after learning he is responsible for her father's death, she returns to her hometown in Oklahoma in an attempt to escape his organization. While in her hometown, Maya must come to terms with her past, including her connection to Fisk, reconnect with her Native American roots, and embrace both her community and the family she has left.

Wed, 03 Jan 2024 16:30:14 GMT