
Marvel Cinematic Universe

The Marvel Cinematic Universe is a multimedia superhero franchise that began in 2008 with Paramount's Iron Man starring Robert Downey Jr. The franchise quickly grew in popularity, with Disney eventually buying out Marvel Entertainment in 2009. The MCU consists of dozens of movies and TV shows, most notably Avengers: Endgame, WandaVision, and Loki.

MCU Franchise Poster
Marvel Cinematic Universe

Created by
Kevin Feige
First Film
Iron Man
First TV Show
Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D.


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What If...? (2021)
Marvel Just Made Captain America's Endgame Ending An Even Bigger Plot Hole

Marvel's What If...? season 2 makes a key Captain America moment in Avengers: Endgame an even bigger plot hole for the overall MCU.

Sylvie (Sophia Di Martino) in Loki Season 1 and 2 1
Loki (2021)
6 MCU Projects Sylvie Can Appear In After Loki Season 2

Though season 2 of Loki seemingly wrapped up Sylvie's character arc, her story can still continue in these potential future MCU projects.

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Cancelled MCU TV Show Would Have Introduced Powerful Marvel Team 6 Years Before Their Official Debut

John Ridley finally breaks his silence on what his mysterious MCU TV show was going to be, revealing it was about a Marvel team who got a movie.

Echo aiming a gun at Wilson Fisk's Kingpin in Hawkeye 1
MCU Kingpin Actor Reveals The Only 2 Marvel Characters He Believes Could Kill The Villain

Kingpin actor Vincent D'Onofrio, who soon returns in Echo, has answered who are the Marvel Cinematic Universe characters that could kill Wilson Fisk.

Joaquin Phoenix's Joker smoking a cigarette, Ryan Reynolds' Deadpool on the Deadpool 3 set, and Tom Hardy's Venom showing his teeth 1
Predicting The Box Office Performance Of Every 2024 Marvel & DC Movie

With fewer movies than in past years, Marvel and DC's 2024 films will have to face superhero fatigue to come out on top at the box office.

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Marvel Finally Debunks A Guardians Of The Galaxy Villain Theory 7 Years After It Popped Up

The Guardians of the Galaxy franchise has featured several memorable villains, but only now has a popular theory about one of them been debunked.

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The MCU's Latest Actor Exit Gets Roasted By Marvel Fans: "A Secret Invasion-Worthy Disaster"

Steven Yeun will no longer star in Marvel's upcoming Thunderbolts movie, leading some fans to claim the project is already doomed to fail.

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Recasting MCU Sentry: 10 Actors Who Could Replace Steven Yeun In Marvel's Thunderbolts

Steven Yeun is reportedly no longer playing the Sentry in the MCU's Thunderbolts, but there are many actors who could replace him in the Phase 6 film.

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Marvel's Echo (TV Series)
Echo EP Teases Which Comic Hero Could Get Marvel Spotlight Show Next: "What Am I Allowed To Say?"

Exclusive: An executive producer for the upcoming Marvel series Echo teases what unexplored characters could potentially get an adaptation next.

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Echo Interview: Brad Winderbaum On Wilson Fisk's Importance & The Marvel Spotlight Banner

Echo executive producer Brad Winderbaum discusses the Marvel Spotlight banner, Wilson Fisk's importance, and how the Netflix show fits into the MCU.

Vincent D'Onofrio as Kingpin on Netflix's Daredevil TV show 1
Marvel's Echo (TV Series)
Vincent D'Onofrio Reveals Key Detail Carried From His Wilson Fisk Performance In Daredevil To Echo

Exclusive: MCU star Vincent D'Onofrio reflects on what the new Echo TV show on Disney+ will include from Kingpin's time in Netflix's Daredevil series.

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Echo interview: Alaqua Cox On Wilson Fisk & The Importance Of Representation In The MCU

Echo star Alaqua Cox discusses Maya Lopez's relationship with Kingpin, the importance of representation, and collaborating with the Choctaw Nation.

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Marvel's Echo (TV Series)
Netflix's Daredevil Show MCU Canon & Timeline Question Finally Addressed By Marvel Producer

Exclusive: Marvel Studios producer clarifies how Netflix's Daredevil TV show factors into the larger Marvel Cinematic Universe canon timeline in Echo.

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What If...? (2021)
MCU Phase 5 Made One Guardian Look Incompetent 6 Years After Boosting His Powers

What If...? season 2 enhanced a Guardians of the Galaxy hero with a powerful new weapon, but this made another cosmic character seem weaker.

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Marvel's Echo (TV Series)
Echo & Daredevil's Epic First Fight Explained By Director: "She Leaves It As A Cold-Blooded Killer"

Exclusive: Director Sydney Freeland explains Echo and Daredevil's epic first fight in the MCU show and how it compares to the Netflix show.

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Echo Interview: Vincent D’Onofrio On Wilson Fisk's Place In The MCU & Relationship With Maya Lopez

Vincent D’Onofrio discussed Wilson's place in the MCU, his relationship with Maya Lopez, and why he works better in a more mature show like Echo.

Thanos wielding the Infinity Gauntlet next to the poster for Avengers: Infinity War 1
MCU Phase 4 & 5 Trend Risks Ruining The Avengers' Infinity War Defeat 5 Years Later

A recurring trend found throughout the MCU’s Phases 4 and 5 risks ruining the Avengers’ Infinity War victory should it continue in future projects.

Alaqua Cox as Maya looking solemn and Vincent D'Onofrio as Kingpin looking pleadingly in Echo Exclusive header 1
Marvel's Echo (TV Series)
Maya's Struggles With Breaking From Kingpin's Influence Detailed By Echo Star: "It's An Interesting Dynamic"

Exclusive: Echo star Alaqua Cox details Maya's struggles to break free from Kingpin's influence and the biggest lesson he instilled in her.

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What If...? (2021)
Clever MCU Theory Explains Why 3 Heroes Don't Exist In One Branch Of The Marvel Multiverse

What If...? season 2 revealed major changes in one branch of the MCU's multiverse, which could be explained thanks to a huge Marvel Studios theory.

The Incredible Hulk poster and Smart Hulk sitting in a diner in Avengers: Endgame 1
The MCU Timeline Retconned A Huge Detail Of Hulk's Origin & Nobody Noticed

The Marvel Cinematic Universe's official timeline brought along some major reveals, including an intriguing retcon to the Hulk's origin.

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